Real Wrestling vs Fake Wrestling

Wrestling has been a part of our culture for many centuries, but it has changed drastically over time. Today, there are two main distinct forms: real wrestling (amateur wrestling) and fake wrestling (pro wrestling). Real wrestling, also known as amateur wrestling, is an ancient form that involves grappling techniques with the aim of pinning down opponents to win matches.

On the other hand, fake wrestling, also known as pro wrestling is a modern form that combines theatre and choreographed moves to create exciting storylines and entertainment for viewers. While both forms have their own appeal and fan base, they differ greatly in terms of technique, style, and purpose.

In this article, we will sort it out once and for all! We will look at the differences between real wrestling vs fake wrestling in order to gain a better understanding of each one’s unique characteristics.

Table of Contents

fake wrestling vs real wrestling

What is Real Wrestling?

Real wrestling, also known as amateur wrestling, is an ancient sport that has been practiced since antiquity. It involves two people grappling with each other in order to take control of their opponent’s body and pin them down for the victory. Amateur wrestlers compete in a variety of styles including freestyle, greco-roman and folkstyle. Professional wrestling referees oversee the matches and judges score them according to clear criteria.

Real wrestling is based on skill, athleticism, and technical ability. It demands a great deal of training and physical preparation in order to compete at a high level. Real wrestlers must also develop psychological strategies to outwit their opponents on the mat.

This type of wrestling is also very popular as a college and high school sport, with many schools competing for the championship title.

What is Fake Wrestling?

Fake wrestling, also known as pro wrestling, is a form of entertainment that has been popular since the early 20th century. It involves two performers competing against each other in a choreographed fight with predetermined outcomes.

Pro wrestlers use showmanship and theatrics to create an exciting spectacle for the crowd. Although there are some similarities in terms of costumes, maneuvers, and storytelling to real wrestling, pro wrestlers do not grapple for points or pin each other down, as the final result of the match is pre-determined, and therefore many call pro wrestling a fake sport.

Unlike amateur wrestling, pro wrestling is based on theatrics and entertainment rather than technique and athleticism. Pro wrestlers often use props and perform high-flying stunts in order to create a thrilling spectacle for the audience. Professional referees are also present to ensure that the match goes according to plan.

Main Differences


The major differences between real wrestling and fake wrestling are the rules, style of competition, and purpose. Real wrestling is governed by a strict set of regulations and is based on physical ability, skill, and technique. The aim of real wrestling is to pin down your opponent with a move that has been approved by the referees. Pro wrestling, on the other hand, is based on showmanship and predetermined outcomes.


Another major difference between real and fake wrestling is the style of competition. In real wrestling, two opponents grapple with each other in order to gain an advantage over the other. They use a combination of holds, locks, and throws in order to gain control over their opponent’s body. Professional referees oversee the match and determine the outcome based on the rules.

In pro wrestling, however, two performers compete against each other in a predetermined fight with predetermined outcomes. Pro wrestlers use theatrical techniques such as showmanship and theatrics to create an exciting spectacle for the audience.


The purpose of real wrestling is to compete for points and ultimately pin down your opponent in order to win the match. Professional referees score the match based on a set of criteria and award points accordingly.

The purpose of pro wrestling is to entertain the audience and provide them with a thrilling spectacle. Pro wrestlers do not compete for points or pin each other down, as the result of the match has already been determined.


Real wrestling requires a mat, protective gear, wrestling shoes, a singlet, and a referee to oversee the match.

Pro wrestling may also use a ring and some basic protective gear, but the main focus is on creating an entertaining spectacle for the audience. Pro wrestlers may use props and costumes to enhance their performance.


Pro wrestling is also very popular in many countries, with professional wrestling leagues and organizations such as the WWE providing entertainment to millions of fans. Professional wrestlers have become iconic pop-culture figures, and continue to draw in huge crowds for their shows.

Overall, there are several differences between real and fake wrestling which set them apart from each other.

Real wrestling is also popular worldwide, with major international competitions such as the Olympics and World Championships but it’s much less popular than professional wrestling.

TV Rights

The WWE has established itself as the world’s largest pro wrestling promotion, and its events are broadcasted on a variety of channels worldwide. This has allowed the company to generate large sums of revenue through television deals, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

Real wrestling does not have a major presence on television, and as such cannot generate the same level of revenue that pro wrestling can.

Which Sport is More Profitable?

When it comes to financial success, fake wrestling has an edge over its amateur counterpart. Professional wrestlers can make a good living by performing in front of large crowds and television audiences, while amateur wrestlers may struggle to make a living due to the lack of prize money in their competitions. For example, many WWE superstars earn millions of dollars a year, while amateur wrestlers are typically only paid for their travel and training expenses.

Moreover, many WWE wrestlers in movies and television shows receive large residuals and royalties, making them even more successful.

Which Sport is Better for Self-Defense?

Real wrestling is more suitable for self-defense than pro wrestling because it focuses on grappling techniques that are designed to control and subdue opponents. Amateur wrestlers learn how to take their opponents down by using wrestling takedown techniques, pinning them, and controlling their bodies in order to gain a physical advantage.

This type of training is essential for self-defense, as it helps to gain control over an opponent and stay safe in dangerous situations. But it is important to note that both types of sports are not the most recommended for self-defense and that there are other better alternatives.

Which of the Styles is Played in the Olympics

Real wrestling is played in the Olympics. It features Greco-Roman and freestyle disciplines, which are contested at both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Olympic wrestling is highly competitive, featuring the best amateur wrestlers from around the world competing for gold medals. It is one of the oldest sports in the Olympic Games and is considered one of the most popular sports in the world.

Real wrestling has been featured in every Summer Olympics since its inclusion in the program of 1900. It is also part of the Winter Olympics since 1924, with women’s wrestling being added to the program in 2004.

Which is Better as a Workout?

Both real and fake wrestling can be great workouts. Pro wrestling is intense, requires good cardiovascular conditioning, and will help to improve your strength. Moreover, a majority of professional wrestlers are bodybuilders themselves, so engaging in pro wrestling can help you build up your physique.

Real wrestling requires the same level of strenuous physical activity as pro wrestling, with wrestlers engaging in drills and conditioning to increase their overall fitness. It is also a great workout for your body as it requires you to use all of your muscles and push yourself to the limit.

Wrestling cardio can help you improve your cardiovascular endurance and increase your overall health. However, it is important to note that wrestling should never be used as a substitute for traditional cardio, as it can be highly dangerous if not done properly.

Wrestlers are athletes and they require intense physical training and exercise to compete at the highest levels. Both real wrestling and pro wrestling can be great ways to get in shape and stay fit, but it is important to understand the differences between the two and how they can help you reach your fitness goals.


Real and fake wrestling have their own pros and cons. Real wrestling is an ancient sport with a long history in the Olympics, focusing on grappling techniques that can be used in self-defense. Pro wrestling is a form of entertainment, that requires good showmanship and physicality.

Both types of wrestling are great workouts, although they should not replace traditional cardio. It is important to understand the differences between the two sports and how each can help you reach your fitness goals. No matter which type of wrestling you choose, both have the potential to help you become healthier and stronger.