Are Wrestlers Athletes?

The debate over whether wrestlers are athletes has been going on for many years. While some people may argue that wrestling is not a sport, it can be argued that wrestlers possess the same physical and mental qualities as traditional athletes do.

Wrestlers must have strength, endurance, agility, and speed to compete at their best level. They also must have mental toughness in order to stay focused and motivated during long competitions. Wrestling requires dedication, discipline, and strategy – all of which are essential skills for any athlete.

Furthermore, like other sports such as basketball or football, wrestling is an organized activity with rules and regulations designed to keep the competition fair among all participants. Thus, it can be seen that wrestlers possess the athletic qualities necessary to be classified as legitimate athletes by today’s standards.

In this article, we will discuss who is an athlete as well as some of the reasons why wrestlers should be considered athletes.

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an athlete wrestler

Who is Considered an Athlete?

An athlete is a person who competes in physical sports, exercises, or other forms of physical activity in order to develop and maintain their physical fitness and skill. Athletes have the ability to perform various activities that require strength, speed, power, agility, coordination, and endurance.

These qualities are essential for any sport or exercise regime. Moreover, athletes need to possess mental toughness and the ability to stay focused in order to compete at a high level.

Why Wrestlers Should Be Considered Athletes

There are several reasons why wrestlers should be considered athletes. Firstly, wrestlers must possess all the physical and mental qualities that are necessary to compete in a sport.

They must have strength, endurance, agility, power, and speed to be successful. Secondly, wrestlers must possess the mental toughness and determination that is necessary to stay focused during long competitions.

Thirdly, wrestling is an organized activity with rules and regulations designed to keep the competition fair among all participants. Finally, professional wrestlers must adhere to strict dietary and fitness regimens in order to stay in peak physical condition. Through these reasons, it can be seen that wrestlers possess the qualities necessary to classify them as legitimate athletes.

What About Amateur Wrestlers? 

Amateur wrestlers are also athletes as they must also possess the same physical and mental qualities that professional wrestlers have. Furthermore, amateur wrestling competitions require dedication, discipline, and strategy just as professional wrestling does.

In addition, amateur wrestling like folkstyle and freestyle wrestling, as well as Greco-Roman wrestling are also organized activities with rules and regulations designed to keep the competition fair among all participants. Therefore, amateur wrestlers should also be considered athletes no doubt.

Are WWE Wrestlers Real Athletes?

WWE wrestlers, also known as professional wrestlers, are also real athletes. In the WWE, wrestlers must possess all the physical and mental qualities that are necessary to compete in a sport. They must have strength, stamina, agility, power, and speed just like any other athlete.

Furthermore, WWE wrestlers must adhere to strict dietary and fitness regimens in order to stay in peak physical condition. As such, professional WWE wrestlers should be considered real athletes although professional wrestling is fake.

Do You Have to Be Athletic for Wrestling?

It is true that wrestlers must possess all the physical and mental qualities necessary to compete in a sport. However, it is not necessarily required for one to have a pre-existing level of athleticism to become a successful wrestler.

With proper training, anyone can learn the moves, techniques, and strategies needed to become a proficient wrestler. Therefore, having an existing level of athleticism is not required for anyone wanting to pursue competitive wrestling.

Olympic Wrestling: a Proof of Legitimacy

The Olympics is a testament to the legitimacy of wrestling as an athletic sport. At the Olympic Games, hundreds of athletes from all over the globe compete in various styles of wrestling in the hopes of achieving glory and winning a medal.

As such, it is clear that Olympic wrestling requires physical fitness, strength, agility, coordination, power, and speed as well as mental toughness and focus to succeed. As such, there can be no doubt that Olympic wrestlers should be considered legitimate athletes.

Examples of Professional Wrestlers Who Are Athletes 

Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, and John Cena have all demonstrated the physical attributes necessary to compete in a sport. Also, they have all shown the mental toughness and determination needed to stay focused during long competitions.

Furthermore, Brock Lesnar was also a great MMA fighter before transitioning to professional wrestling which makes it clear that he possesses the athletic qualities needed to compete.


In conclusion, wrestlers should be considered athletes due to the physical and mental qualities necessary to compete in a sport. Professional wrestlers must also adhere to strict dietary and fitness regimens in order to stay in peak physical condition.

Furthermore, anyone can become a successful wrestler with proper training and dedication regardless of their pre-existing athleticism. Therefore, wrestlers can be considered real athletes.