Wrestling Workouts at Home

Do you want to get in shape, but don’t have the time or money for a gym membership? If so, wrestling workouts at home are an excellent way to build strength and stamina without ever having to leave your house.

From bodyweight exercises that target specific muscle groups, to full-body circuits that will challenge even the most advanced athletes, there is something for everyone when it comes to wrestling workouts at home. Not only do these routines provide an effective workout with minimal equipment needed – all you need is a mat – they also help improve coordination and agility while building overall athleticism.

So whether you’re looking for a new exercise routine or just want to stay active during quarantine, read on for some of our favorite wrestling workouts at home!

Table of Contents

a wrestler during home workout

Bodyweight Circuit

One of the most basic and effective wrestling workouts you can do at home is a bodyweight circuit. This workout includes exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and burpees that target all major muscle groups. Start with a few sets of each move and gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.

To make the workout more challenging, add jump squats, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks. You can also add resistance bands or a medicine ball to up the intensity.

Conditioning Drills

If you’re looking for a more intense workout, conditioning drills are an excellent choice. These exercises involve short bursts of energy, such as sprints or jump rope, followed by a period of rest. This helps improve your aerobic capacity and gets your heart rate up.

Conditioning drills can also be tailored to specific muscle groups, such as running stairs for leg strength or medicine ball slams for upper-body strength. You can also incorporate agility drills like ladder drills and shuttle runs to help improve your overall coordination and speed.

Wrestling Drills

Of course, no wrestling workout would be complete without some actual wrestling drills. These drills involve specific techniques and moves that are commonly used in wrestling, such as wrestling takedowns and submission holds. You can find tutorials online or watch videos of professional wrestlers to help you learn the proper form and practice your technique.

These drills can be done solo or with a partner. If you have access to a wrestling mat, you can practice real-life scenarios and even compete against each other. This is an excellent way to push yourself and have fun while building strength and endurance.

Shadow Wrestling

Another great way to practice wrestling moves is through shadow wrestling. This exercise involves mimicking the movements of a professional wrestler without an opponent. All you need is a mirror and your imagination.

Shadow wrestling helps you learn the proper form for each move, as well as develop coordination and agility. You can also practice specific techniques and combos to help improve your overall wrestling skills.

Squats and Deadlifts

No wrestling workout is complete without some squats and deadlifts. These two exercises target the major leg muscles and can be adjusted to suit your fitness level.

For a beginner, start with bodyweight squats and add weight once you get stronger. For an advanced workout, try doing squats and deadlifts with dumbbells or kettlebells. This will help increase the intensity of your workout and build more strength and power.

Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric exercises are a great way to increase speed, power, and agility. These exercises involve quick explosive movements such as jumping, hopping, and skipping. You can also incorporate medicine ball slams and throws into your plyometric routine for an extra challenge. These exercises help with coordination and agility while strengthening your core.

Core Workouts

No wrestling workout would be complete without some core exercises. These exercises target the muscles of your midsection, helping to increase strength and power. Core workouts can involve exercises like planks, bridges, crunches, and Russian twists. They can also incorporate medicine ball slams and throws to help build power.

Medicine Ball Slams and Throws

Medicine ball slams and throws are another excellent way to build power and strength. These exercises involve throwing or slamming a medicine ball against the ground or wall. Medicine ball slams and throws target all major muscle groups, especially the core. They also help improve coordination and agility while building overall athleticism.

medicine ball training

Resistance Band Training

Resistance band training is a great way to add variety to your workout. These bands come in different levels of resistance to help you reach target muscle groups and increase strength. Resistance band exercises can target specific muscle groups or be used for a full-body workout.

These exercises help with strength, coordination, and agility. They’re also a great way to add variety to your routine and keep your workouts interesting.

Cardio Workouts

Cardio workouts are an important part of any wrestler’s training routine. Wrestling cardio workouts help to increase endurance and help your body recover faster after a tough workout. Cardio workouts can include running, jumping rope, cycling, and swimming. These exercises can be done at varying intensities to help you reach your goals.

Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic stretching helps to increase flexibility and range of motion, which are essential for safe and effective wrestling. Dynamic stretches involve movements like arm swings, leg swings, and side lunges.

Dynamic stretching helps prepare your muscles for the workout ahead and helps to increase power and agility. It’s important to do dynamic stretching before beginning any workout, especially one involving wrestling movements. Studies show that stretching can reduce wrestling injuries by up to 25%.


A visualization is a useful tool for any wrestler. Visualizing yourself performing wrestling moves can help you better understand the technique and form needed to execute them successfully. It can also help you stay calm and focused in the ring, allowing you to concentrate on your technique instead of getting distracted by the noise and energy of the crowd.

Finally, visualization can help you envision success in a match, giving you the confidence to perform at your best. Visualization should be used in conjunction with other workouts to help you not just develop the physical strength and skills needed, but also the mental strength and focus.

Mental Training

Mental training is just as important as physical training for wrestlers. Mental exercises like meditation, positive affirmations, and goal setting can help you stay focused and motivated in practice and during matches. Mental training can also help you learn how to manage stress, stay cool under pressure, and build confidence. Wrestling mindset training is essential for any wrestler looking to reach their full potential.

Palm Strengthening

Palm strengthening is an important part of any wrestler’s workout routine. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your hands and forearms, increasing your grip strength and helping you to better execute wrestling moves. You can do these exercises with a hand gripper or by using a tennis ball to squeeze.

Balance and Coordination

Balance and coordination are essential for any wrestler, as they help you move safely and effectively in the ring. Balance exercises like single-leg stands and one-legged hops can help you improve your stability and coordination. You can also work on plyometric exercises, such as box jumps and lateral hops, to help improve your agility.

High School Wrestling Workouts at Home 

High school wrestling is a demanding sport that requires intense physical and mental training. To give yourself the best chance of success, it’s important to develop a comprehensive training routine that includes both cardio and strength-training exercises.

The most recommended exercises are as mentioned above, but the main difference between amateur wrestling training at home and high school wrestling workouts at home is that you’ll need to focus on specific areas such as plyometrics, agility, coordination, and balance. This can be done by using light to moderate weights, bodyweight exercises, and agility drills.

High school wrestlers need to develop the strength and power to be successful on the mat, so exercises such as squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and deadlifts are especially important. Additionally, core exercises such as planks and mountain climbers can help with balance and coordination.

In addition to strength-training exercises, it’s important to focus on developing your cardio. This can be done by doing running drills or cycling intervals. Doing HIIT workouts is also a great way to improve your cardio. Just make sure that you’re not overtraining, as this can lead to injury and fatigue.

Pro Wrestling Training at Home

The training for a professional wrestler is different than amateur wrestling as professional wrestlers use many acrobatics and stunts. Professional wrestlers need to develop strength, flexibility, agility, and endurance as well as bodybuilding-style workouts to look the part.

To simulate a match, practice takedowns and holds on a wrestling mat or other cushioned surface. Speed and agility drills such as sprints, hurdles, and plyometrics are also important. To develop strength and power, use free weights, machines, and bodyweight exercises. You can also do core exercises such as planks and mountain climbers to help with balance and coordination.

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) once shared his training routine while we was a professional wrestler. During his training, he would focus on intensity and high reps with lighter weights. He also did power movements like squats, deadlifts, and shoulder presses to build strength. He also incorporated cardio exercises into his routine such as biking and running.

Professional wrestling is a demanding sport that takes dedication and hard work to master. With the help of a good training routine, you can become a successful professional wrestler.


Whether you’re an amateur wrestler, high school wrestler, or a professional wrestler, having a strong workout routine is key to success. Strengthening the hands and forearms, balance, coordination, and developing power and endurance are important elements to include in your training.

Doing exercises like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, deadlifts, and core exercises will help you develop the strength and power needed to be successful in the ring. Plyometric exercises, such as box jumps and lateral hops, can also help improve agility. Additionally, cardio exercises like running and cycling intervals will help with conditioning and endurance. With the right training program, you can become a successful wrestler.

With all the different types of wrestling and different levels of competition, it is important to develop a training program that fits your particular goals. A well-rounded routine should include a combination of strength-training exercises and conditioning drills to ensure you are ready for any competition. By focusing on developing power, agility, balance, and endurance, you can become a successful wrestler no matter the level.