Dragon Kung Fu Style

Dragon Kung Fu is a style that is often overlooked, but it can be incredibly effective when used correctly.

In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about this martial art, including its history, benefits, and key techniques. So if you’re ready to learn how to become a dragon kung fu master, keep reading!

Table of Contents

dragon kung fu

What Is Dragon Kung Fu Style?

Dragon kung fu is a style of martial arts that originated in China. It is based on the movements of animals, specifically dragons. This makes it unique from other styles of kung fu, as it focuses on using leverage and momentum to generate power.

Dragon kung fu practitioners believe that this style is the most efficient way to use one’s body, as it allows them to generate a great deal of force with minimal effort.

What Does the Dragon Mean in Kung Fu?

The dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and courage. In Chinese culture, the dragon is also associated with wisdom and good luck.

Additionally, the dragon is often seen as a guardian spirit. Kung fu practitioners believe that by learning dragon kung fu, they will be able to tap into their own inner power and strength.

The History of Dragon Kung Fu

The origins of dragon kung fu are a bit of a mystery, as there is no clear evidence of when or where it began.

Some believe that the style was developed by the Shaolin monks as a part of Shaolin Kung Fu, while others claim it is a much older martial art that has been passed down through generations.

Regardless of its origins, dragon kung fu has become a popular style in recent years, thanks in part to its appearance in films and television shows.

What Is Southern Dragon Kung Fu?

Southern dragon kung fu is a variation of the dragon kung fu style that originated in southern China. It is characterized by its use of long, sweeping motions and low stances.

Southern dragon kung fu practitioners believe that this style is more efficient than other styles, as it allows them to generate more power with less effort.

What Is Northern Dragon Kung Fu?

The northern dragon kung fu style is a sub-style of the dragon kung fu technique that was developed in northern China. It is characterized by its use of short, explosive motions and high stances.

The Chinese martial art of northern dragon kung fu is said to be more effective in close quarters combat since it allows practitioners to generate more power with

How Many Dragon Styles Are There?

There are a variety of dragon kung fu styles. Some of the most popular includes, as mentioned, the southern dragon style, and the northern dragon style. Additionally, there are a variety of hybrid styles that combine elements of different dragon kung fu styles.

Dragon Kung Fu Stances

One of the most distinctive aspects of dragon kung fu is its use of unique stances. These low, wide stances are designed to give practitioners a stable base from which they can generate a great deal of power.

The most common dragon kung fu stance is the “long fist” stance, which is characterized by its extended arms and legs. Another popular dragon kung fu stance is the “tiger” stance, which is designed to give practitioners a strong foothold and balance. This stance is often used when practitioners are fighting in close quarters.

The last of the common dragon kung fu stances is the “crane” stance, which is characterized by its elevated position. This stance is often used to deliver powerful kicks or punches.


There are several key techniques that you will need to master in order to be successful in dragon kung fu. One of the most important is proper footwork. You will need to learn how to correctly position your feet in order to generate the most power possible.

Additionally, you will need to learn how to use your hips and legs to generate force. And finally, you will need to master the art of striking. This involves learning how to correctly deliver punches, kicks, and elbows in order to inflict the most damage possible.

How to Punch in Dragon Kung Fu?

One of the most important techniques in dragon kung fu is the “straight punch.” This punch is performed by extending the arm and keeping the elbow in line with the fist. The straight punch is used to deliver a powerful blow to an opponent’s body.

Another common dragon kung fu punch is the “hook punch.” This punch is performed by extending the arm and keeping the elbow in line with the fist. The hook punch is used to deliver a powerful blow to an opponent’s head.

The last of the common dragon kung fu punches is the “uppercut.” This punch is performed by extending the arm and keeping the elbow in line with the fist. The uppercut is used to deliver a powerful blow to an opponent’s chin.

What Are Its Benefits?

There are many benefits to learning dragon kung fu. For one, it is an excellent way to improve your balance and coordination. Additionally, it can help you develop strength, speed, and agility. It is also a great workout for your cardiovascular system. And finally, kung fu is a great way to learn self-defense.

Is It Really Fu Good?

There are a variety of opinions on dragon kung fu. Some practitioners believe that it is the ultimate martial art, while others believe that it has its drawbacks.

Overall, however, dragon kung fu is an excellent martial art that can help you improve your strength, speed, and agility.

Additionally, it is a great workout for your cardiovascular system. And finally, it is a great way to learn self-defense.

The Difference Between Wing Chun and Dragon Kung Fu

Wing Chun is a martial art that emphasizes close-quarters combat and striking. Dragon kung fu, on the other hand, is a martial art that emphasizes long-range attacks and kicks. Additionally, dragon kung fu practitioners often use their tails to deliver powerful strikes.

Is Dragon Style Kung Fu Effective for Self-defense?

Dragon-style kung fu is an excellent martial art for self-defense. It is a great way to learn how to defend yourself against an attacker. It may also assist you in developing strength, speed, and agility.

Finally, it is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise. But it’s also extremely hard to master and it takes years to get to a point it’s really effective.