Does Wrestling Stunt Growth?

The question of whether wrestling stunts growth has been a topic of debate among athletes, parents, and coaches for many years. While there are some risks associated with the sport, it is generally considered safe if the proper precautions are taken.

The truth is that wrestling can actually be beneficial to physical development in both children and adults alike. It helps build strength, coordination, balance, and agility while also teaching discipline and determination.

For this reason, it’s important to understand how wrestling affects growth so that you can make an informed decision about participating in the sport.

In this article, we’ll discuss the facts about wrestling and growth so that you can make the best decision for your own physical development.

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wrestling height measurement

So, Does Wrestling Stunt Growth?

First of all, it’s important to understand that wrestling does not stunt growth. While some intense or dangerous techniques can cause injuries that might temporarily limit a child’s ability to grow, this is not the norm. Most wrestling moves are designed to be safe and effective ways of developing strength and skill.

In fact, studies have shown that children who participate in wrestling develop faster than those who do not. This is likely because wrestling requires the use of many different muscle groups, which can help children gain both strength and flexibility. As a result, these children are able to grow faster and reach their full potential more quickly.

No matter what age you are, it’s important to remember that safety should always be the priority when it comes to wrestling. If you or your child are going to participate in the sport, make sure that you understand all of the techniques and rules before you begin. Additionally, always make sure that you have access to proper coaching and instruction so that you or your child can stay safe and healthy while enjoying the sport.

Does Wrestling Stunt Height?

There are no studies that show a direct correlation between wrestling and stunted height. Wrestling does not cause growth plate closure – the process by which bones stop growing in the same way that other sports such as gymnastics can.

Does Youth Wrestling Stunt Growth?

Studies have shown that there is no evidence to suggest that youth wrestling stunts growth in children. Contrary to popular belief, wrestling can actually help children grow faster. It is probably due to the fact that this sport involves the intense use of various muscle groups, equipping youths with a combination of power and agility. Moreover, wrestling also encourages discipline and determination which can contribute to the overall physical development of a child.

Does Cutting Weight for Wrestling Stunt Growth?

Cutting weight for wrestling can have some detrimental effects on a wrestler’s health if not done properly. Extreme and rapid weight loss, especially in young wrestlers, can be very dangerous and can lead to stunted growth.

Therefore, it’s important for wrestlers to follow a healthy diet plan and make sure to stay well-hydrated before and after matches. Additionally, it is advised that wrestlers seek professional help when cutting weight so as to ensure their safety and avoid any stunted growth.

Among other negative aspects of cutting weight unsafely, wrestlers can also face a higher risk of injury due to their weakened state as well as mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression.

Does Wrestling Have Long-term Effects?

Overall, wrestling is considered to be a safe activity and there are no long-term effects associated with the sport. As long as proper safety precautions are taken and wrestlers are properly trained on techniques, wrestling can be a great way to stay active and healthy. However, it is important for wrestlers to take frequent breaks and get proper rest in order to avoid any potential injuries or long-term effects.

Roy (22), a Young College Wrestler on Whether Wrestling Stunts Growth

I’ve been wrestling for the past five years, and I can tell you that it definitely does not stunt my growth. In fact, I think it has actually helped me grow stronger and become more flexible.

Wrestling helps to develop muscle strength and coordination which can help a person reach their full potential. I think that if you’re careful and know the techniques and rules of the sport, then wrestling can be a great way to stay active and healthy. I do recommend college wrestling to anyone who is looking for a fun and challenging way to stay fit.

Train Responsibly and Safely

Overall, wrestling is a great way to stay active and healthy. However, it’s important for wrestlers to follow safety protocols, such as wearing protective gear and following the proper techniques, in order to avoid any potential injuries. Additionally, it’s important for wrestlers to get adequate rest and nutrition in order to recover properly and avoid any long-term effects.

Moreover, when performing wrestling cardio activities, it is important to make sure that you have access to proper coaching and instruction so that you or your child can stay safe and healthy while enjoying the sport. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your wrestling experience is both enjoyable and safe.


In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that wrestling stunts growth in children. On the contrary, with proper safety and guidance, wrestling can actually be beneficial to a child’s physical and mental development.

It is important for wrestlers of all ages to follow the proper guidelines and techniques in order to stay safe and healthy while enjoying the sport. With this knowledge, we can confidently say that wrestling does not stunt growth!